Hello, I'm Lindsay.

As someone who personally has multiple autoimmune diseases, I know what you’re likely experiencing right now. You might be feeling frustrated from the numerous symptoms you’re experiencing and always visiting the doctor. 

That’s why I’m so passionate about the work that I’m doing to serve this community. As a registered dietitian, and integrative and functional nutrition practitioner, with a master’s in nutrition and exercise science, I want to help you feel well again. 

Ultimately, I want you to gain a better quality of life and truly be able to trust your body again.

Let's Work Together

Why Nashville Autoimmune Nutrition?

When it comes to autoimmune illnesses, there is a great need for education and support for whole person nutritional care. This is why I’m passionate about helping you find the connections between nutrition, your body, and mind. I take an anti-oppressive approach to nutritional health and wellness that recognizes individuals’ health and needs within broader systems and values wholeness and inclusivity. This holistic nutritional approach includes nutrition, sleep, self-care, movement, pleasure, mindfulness, accessibility, and learning to trust your body again.

Learn More About Autoimmune Disease

Core Values


You live in your body and so you are the expert on your body. Many clients come in feeling defeated by their illness and do not know what to eat and how to feel better. I listen and encourage my clients to trust their body again (this takes time), nourish their body through food, and gain a greater quality of life with autoimmune disease.



You are the lead role in this healing journey. We work together to create nutrition and lifestyle recommendations that are personalized, sustainable, and realistic. Our ongoing open communication allows for adjustments in care.  



This is a value for myself, business, and a desired outcome for my clients. Chronic illness can be overwhelming. I want you to feel a greater sense of nutritional balance and inner harmony through tuning into your own intuition and partnering with your body.  



In order for the body to be properly nourished it must feel safe and at ease. I aim to foster an environment of ease and provide nutrition and lifestyle tools that help my clients create more safety within their body. 



Nutrition is a large part of healing that can lead to wholeness and there is no one size fits all protocol. Nutritional health is impacted by food, sleep, stress movement, mind/body practices, accessibility, social determinants, and discriminations that impact overall health.

I am committed to providing individualized nutritional care but also recognize that each of us is part of larger systems, familial structures, and trauma. Access to nutritional health and wellness support is greatly impacted by the systems of oppression in place in our society. Systems of oppression impact accessibility to whole foods, clean water, affordable and accessible healthcare, toxic exposure, clean air, safe work, and home environment. Accessibility (or lack of accessibility) to these things inevitably impacts a person’s circumstances, choices, and health. Providing whole-person nutritional care includes learning about these contextual factors and tailoring my recommendations with these in mind. I am committed to learning more about, speaking about, and working to dismantle these systems of oppression outside of my practice that impact that ability of the most marginalized to access whole-person nutritional care. 

What's it like to work
with me?

We begin with a comprehensive assessment where we explore your symptoms. Then we develop a whole-body nutritional plan that is sustainable for your lifestyle to optimize symptom relief. I provide ongoing support to help with the ups and downs in your healing journey.

It is my goal for my clients to thrive with autoimmune illnesses and enjoy a greater quality of life. 

Let's Work Together

Education and Certifications

  • State of Tennessee Registered Dietitian and Licensed NutritionistĀ 

  • Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified PractitionerĀ Ā 

  • Masters of Science in Exercise and Nutrition Science/ Lipscomb UniversityĀ 

  • Dietetic Certification & Training / Lipscomb UniversityĀ 

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Telecommunications / Indiana University

Let's connect!